Children's Liturgy
Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them;
for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.
Mt 19:14
for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.
Mt 19:14
Children's Liturgy of the Word is available for primary aged children to break open God's Word together at a language level appropriate to them. It is currently held at the Sunday 8am Mass at St Joseph’s and Sunday 9.30am Mass at Christ the King held on alternative fortnights during school term. Dates are advertised in the parish newsletter.
The format usually involves listening to the Gospel, retelling it together, and thinking about what it means for our lives, followed by a reflective activity, such as drawing, and also praying together. Children also learn to understand rituals such as,
A few parents join the children, and it is always a pleasure to see faces both familiar and new. The leaders and helpers love seeing the joy on the children's faces when the children realise their friend from school is with them; the manner in which brothers and sisters help each other out; and the friendships that form between children who go to different schools.
Thank you to those parents who support us in various ways. If anyone is interested in becoming a regular leader or helper, contact the Parish Office. No experience is required!
CHILDREN'S LITURGY OF THE WORD Refer to the Parish Newsletter for Dates
Sunday 8.00 am St Joseph's
9.30 am Christ the King
CONTACT: The Parish Office 3362 8777
The format usually involves listening to the Gospel, retelling it together, and thinking about what it means for our lives, followed by a reflective activity, such as drawing, and also praying together. Children also learn to understand rituals such as,
- Why do we light a candle?
- Why do we have green material?
- Why is the priest wearing purple?
- What words do we say at the beginning and end of the Gospel?
- Why do we trace three crosses on ourselves?
A few parents join the children, and it is always a pleasure to see faces both familiar and new. The leaders and helpers love seeing the joy on the children's faces when the children realise their friend from school is with them; the manner in which brothers and sisters help each other out; and the friendships that form between children who go to different schools.
Thank you to those parents who support us in various ways. If anyone is interested in becoming a regular leader or helper, contact the Parish Office. No experience is required!
CHILDREN'S LITURGY OF THE WORD Refer to the Parish Newsletter for Dates
Sunday 8.00 am St Joseph's
9.30 am Christ the King
CONTACT: The Parish Office 3362 8777