Parish Sacramental Program
The Archdiocese released a revised Sacramental Policy entitled ‘Christian Initiation for Children’ in September 2015. For more information please visit:
In implementation of this policy Corinda Graceville Parish has made changes to the Parish Sacramental Program which took effect in 2017.
In implementation of this policy Corinda Graceville Parish has made changes to the Parish Sacramental Program which took effect in 2017.
- All Sacraments are celebrated communally with the active participation of the Parish.
- For children it is a process of growth in faith from birth to adolescence.
- The child’s readiness is pivotal more so than biological age. Discernment of a child’s readiness for the Sacraments by parents and pastor is more important than the child’s age or year level and might mean that the Sacraments are celebrated earlier or later than the norm.
- It is a collaborative process: parish–based, family centred and school supported.
- The Church offers parents/guardians support in raising their child within the family of the Church.
- Infants are Baptised at the request of their parents, usually in the first year of life and in their home parish. At least one parent should be Catholic.
- Once children have turned eight (Year Three), they are no longer candidates for infant Baptism. If they have not been Baptised, they are enrolled in a modified catechumenate leading to the celebration of Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion at Easter.
- When children turn eight (Year Three) they celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation.
First Holy Communion
- When children turn nine (Year Four) they are welcomed to the Lord’s Table and receive Communion for the first time.
- Introducing children to the greatness of God’s mercy in the Sacrament of Penance is a two-step process. A simple celebration of the Second Rite of the Sacrament of Penance is included as part of the preparation for First Eucharist.
- In the year when children turn ten (Year Five), they are prepared to celebrate more fully the Sacrament of Penance with individual confession and absolution (the First Rite). This builds on the work of the previous year as they take the second step and learn in greater detail what it means to examine their conscience.

If you wish to note an “Expression of Interest” for your child to join the Parish Sacramental Program, or if you have any queries, please contact the parish Sacramental Co-ordinator at [email protected]