Our Parish Prayer
Good Shepherd, be with us as we make our way in these days by faith.
Guide and shape us so that our minds and hearts resemble yours,
so that you come to reign as the Lord and King of our lives.
Help us to hear and welcome the Good News of your loving kindness and mercy, renewing us in the grace of Christ.
Fill us with the Holy Spirit so that we can joyfully live and share your light.
Protect us, forgive us and like St. Joseph help us to discern and do the will of our Loving God and Father.
Mary, Mother of Our Lord and of the Church. Pray for us.
St. Joseph, husband, father and worker. Pray for us.
St. Mary of the Cross, MacKillop, woman of courage and hope. Pray for us.
Good Shepherd, be with us as we make our way in these days by faith.
Guide and shape us so that our minds and hearts resemble yours,
so that you come to reign as the Lord and King of our lives.
Help us to hear and welcome the Good News of your loving kindness and mercy, renewing us in the grace of Christ.
Fill us with the Holy Spirit so that we can joyfully live and share your light.
Protect us, forgive us and like St. Joseph help us to discern and do the will of our Loving God and Father.
Mary, Mother of Our Lord and of the Church. Pray for us.
St. Joseph, husband, father and worker. Pray for us.
St. Mary of the Cross, MacKillop, woman of courage and hope. Pray for us.