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Important Dates12th October
~ Mother's with Children Morning Tea ~ Parish Youth Group SJ 6.30pm 14th October ~ Children's Liturgy of the Word CTK 9.30am 16th October ~ CWL Cent Auction 10am 18th October ~ Choir Practice 7.30pm 19th October ~ St Vincent de Paul meeting 8am ~ Parish Book Club 2pm ~ Parish Youth Group 6.30pm 27th October ~ Plenary Council facilitated session SJ 2pm 6th November ~ Melbourne Cup Party - Graceville - 11.30am |
Fr Chris Skinner is a priest of the Society of Mary in New Zealand. Fr Chris’ role in the Society of Mary is in the formation of seminarians (trainees for the Marist priesthood). As a Marist priest, Fr Chris’ music is influenced greatly by his faith, his love of Scripture, his sense of God in the beauty of creation and his Marist spirituality. Fr Chris composed Nano’s Song to commemorate the 225th anniversary of the death of Nano Nagle. The parish received permission to use this beautiful song for our celebrations honouring the 300th anniversary of Nano Nagle’s birth. Fr Chris is grateful to be able to continue to share his music and to now have all his music available online and accessible to a wider audience. Please visit his website https://www.chrisskinner.org.nz PARISH DROUGHT APPEAL – BARCALDINE (OUR TWIN) NEEDS US For many of the children at St Joseph’s School Barcaldine, drought is all they have known. It has been many years since the area achieved its average annual rainfall and conditions are dire. When properties destock, town businesses are also affected, and all our twinned parishioners are feeling the strain. How can we help our twinned parish?
PLENARY COUNCIL DATE CLAIMER The parish will be holding a facilitated session for the upcoming Plenary Council. Rob Cosgrove from Evangelisation Brisbane will guide parishioners through the process to be held at St Joseph’s Hall Corinda, 2pm to 4pm on Saturday 27th October. Please keep this date free in order to attend this important session. MELBOURNE CUP PARTY hosted by the CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE 11.30am Tuesday 6th November - Parish Centre Graceville. Only $15 per person, including a delicious lunch with bubbly. There will be a hat competition, sweeps, and of course, watching the race. Tickets will be on sale after the 9.30am Sunday Masses on 21st and 28th October and 4th November. |